Principals' extent of implementation of managerial skills in relation to teachers' performance.
Bajas-Caluscusin, Anna Maneleine
Principals' extent of implementation of managerial skills in relation to teachers' performance. - 161
Investigates the principals' extent of implementation of managerial skills in relation to teachers' performance as perceived by the teachers and the principals themselves; it was found out that the perceived extent of principals' assessment skills was averagely noted as "almost always"; reveals that there is a significant relationship between the teacher respondents profile and their perception on the extent of principals implementation of managerial skills.
/ Br6
Principals' extent of implementation of managerial skills in relation to teachers' performance. - 161
Investigates the principals' extent of implementation of managerial skills in relation to teachers' performance as perceived by the teachers and the principals themselves; it was found out that the perceived extent of principals' assessment skills was averagely noted as "almost always"; reveals that there is a significant relationship between the teacher respondents profile and their perception on the extent of principals implementation of managerial skills.
/ Br6