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You have reached the FULIOPAC, the online search catalog of the Foundation University Library!
The FULIOPAC is part of the FULIMS (Foundation University Library Information Management System) hosted on our webpage FULARM (Foundation University Library, Archives and Records, Museum), a fully-integrated library management system that contains print, online, and all the available digital resources developed through the years. Our FULIOPAC, likewise, serves as a redundant backup to our website contents to serve both the needs of our users, and mitigate the effects of disruptions on our digital environment.
Through this platform, we hope that our users will find their fullest potentials as intellectuals in the academe whose passion for research and publication are foremost in our goals and objectives, guided by our mission, “EMPOWERING MINDS, Building the Future.”
Daghang Salamat,
Very sincerely yours,
Dr. Briccio M. Merced, Jr., RL, LPT
University Librarian
CoRe – refers to the Collections and Resources of Foundation University Library. The broad categories of CoRe are types, formats, and curricular programs. Under each category are sub-categories that are searchable on our FULIOPAC, or online public access catalog (OPAC), an integrated library system powered by Koha. For a quick and immediate response to your research requirements, you might want to click on any of the following collections and information resources available:
Almanacs and Yearbooks contain data, numbers, or facts on specific topics.
Bibliographies are lists of recommended readings on a certain topic, arranged either alphabetically, or by subject area.
Dictionaries, and Glossaries define the meaning of terms and concepts, both general and in specific fields of study, while Thesauri usually provide a word’s synonym, and sometimes its antonym.
Encyclopedias include concise, and usually comprehensive descriptions of topics that are arranged alphabetically, with an index per volume, or an entire set.
Handbooks have overviews of academic research on a topic.
Manuals are how-to guides to research methods and other topics of one's interest and skills.
Maps , and Atlases, are Geographical Resources that encompass the earth’s physical and natural descriptions.