Yield and growth response of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) as affected by different growing conditions.
Maictin, Johanne M.
Yield and growth response of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) as affected by different growing conditions. - 75
Compares the growth and yield response of the oyster mushrooms in two different conditions; indicates significant difference on the yield of mushrooms in terms of the total number of fruiting bodies per bunch and total number of fruiting bodies per bag bag both in the second flush ; results indicated significant difference in marketable yield during the first flushing and conditioned to be highly significant different from second flushing to third flushing.
/ M11
Yield and growth response of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) as affected by different growing conditions. - 75
Compares the growth and yield response of the oyster mushrooms in two different conditions; indicates significant difference on the yield of mushrooms in terms of the total number of fruiting bodies per bunch and total number of fruiting bodies per bag bag both in the second flush ; results indicated significant difference in marketable yield during the first flushing and conditioned to be highly significant different from second flushing to third flushing.
/ M11