The effect of sweet potato (Ipomea butata) meal on the growth performance of of broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domisticus)
Soldivillo, Jaypee Sorsone
The effect of sweet potato (Ipomea butata) meal on the growth performance of of broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domisticus) - 44
An undergraduate thesis with an aim to (1) to determine the feed consumption of broiler at different levels of sweet potato meal (2) to observe the weight gain of broiler as affected by different level of supplementation ad (3) to identify the feed conversion ration of the broiler as affected by sweet potato meal.
/ So4
The effect of sweet potato (Ipomea butata) meal on the growth performance of of broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domisticus) - 44
An undergraduate thesis with an aim to (1) to determine the feed consumption of broiler at different levels of sweet potato meal (2) to observe the weight gain of broiler as affected by different level of supplementation ad (3) to identify the feed conversion ration of the broiler as affected by sweet potato meal.
/ So4