Growth and Yield Performance of Sweet Corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata) as affected by the different rates of Greenbase Fertilizer.
Sotillo, Nenia M.
Growth and Yield Performance of Sweet Corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata) as affected by the different rates of Greenbase Fertilizer. - 46
Evaluates the growth and yield performance of sweet corn as affected by different rates of greenbase fertilizer, determines the yield using the greenbase fertilizer alone, to identifies the possibility of using the greenbase alone, to determines whether the recommended rate of 15 bags/ha is enough to have sweet corn 90 kg N/ha using greenbase will yield more than the bio-fertilizer technology.
/ S07
Growth and Yield Performance of Sweet Corn (Zea mays var. Saccharata) as affected by the different rates of Greenbase Fertilizer. - 46
Evaluates the growth and yield performance of sweet corn as affected by different rates of greenbase fertilizer, determines the yield using the greenbase fertilizer alone, to identifies the possibility of using the greenbase alone, to determines whether the recommended rate of 15 bags/ha is enough to have sweet corn 90 kg N/ha using greenbase will yield more than the bio-fertilizer technology.
/ S07