B.C.Catarata and associates: an evaluation research as a basis for system development.
Banlat, Olive A.
B.C.Catarata and associates: an evaluation research as a basis for system development. - 130
Focuses primarily on the billing system and information survey process system of B.C Catarata and Associates located at San Jose Extension, Dumaguete City that would able to change their manual works into systematic and automated one, fast recording, hassle free, accuracy of data and results, accessing of data.
Information Storage and retrieval
/ B22
B.C.Catarata and associates: an evaluation research as a basis for system development. - 130
Focuses primarily on the billing system and information survey process system of B.C Catarata and Associates located at San Jose Extension, Dumaguete City that would able to change their manual works into systematic and automated one, fast recording, hassle free, accuracy of data and results, accessing of data.
Information Storage and retrieval
/ B22