The science times books of natural disaster.
The science times books of natural disaster.
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Tells about the natural disasters experienced by humankind like earthquake, tornadoes, and volcanoes, but in the effort to better predict where and when they will next happen, so scientists have made some of the most astonishing discoveries; a scientists are perfecting ways to predict which asteroids will cross Earth's path, and suggesting extreme measures to deflect them.
Natural disasters.
363.34 / Sc3
Tells about the natural disasters experienced by humankind like earthquake, tornadoes, and volcanoes, but in the effort to better predict where and when they will next happen, so scientists have made some of the most astonishing discoveries; a scientists are perfecting ways to predict which asteroids will cross Earth's path, and suggesting extreme measures to deflect them.
Natural disasters.
363.34 / Sc3