Powder rivers.
Cotton, Ralp W.
Powder rivers. - 325
A story of an outlaw Jeston Nash-the look alike cousin of Jesse James, a horseman find themselves entangle in the historical event leading to the Powder River Indian War and attracted by rumors and the profits of war, a strange assortment of characters-outlaws, loose woman, lawmen, bounty hunter, preaches to pick the bones of the mighty Sioux Nation as it reels on the verge of extinctions.
/ C82
Powder rivers. - 325
A story of an outlaw Jeston Nash-the look alike cousin of Jesse James, a horseman find themselves entangle in the historical event leading to the Powder River Indian War and attracted by rumors and the profits of war, a strange assortment of characters-outlaws, loose woman, lawmen, bounty hunter, preaches to pick the bones of the mighty Sioux Nation as it reels on the verge of extinctions.
/ C82