Factors affecting the Science performance of Grade VI pupils of Valencia District: basis for an action plan.
Balansag, Maxima P.
Factors affecting the Science performance of Grade VI pupils of Valencia District: basis for an action plan. - 101
Investigates the factors affecting academic performance of Grade VI pupils in their science subject, determining if there was a relationship between the teacher-related factors, pupils-related factors , classroom-environment factors, and the pupils average academic performance in science; reveals that the overall academic performance of the pupils in science was on the approaching proficiency level due to the teachers' good personality traits and teaching skills.
Factors affecting the Science performance of Grade VI pupils of Valencia District: basis for an action plan. - 101
Investigates the factors affecting academic performance of Grade VI pupils in their science subject, determining if there was a relationship between the teacher-related factors, pupils-related factors , classroom-environment factors, and the pupils average academic performance in science; reveals that the overall academic performance of the pupils in science was on the approaching proficiency level due to the teachers' good personality traits and teaching skills.