Practical financial accounting.
Valix, Conrado T.
Practical financial accounting. - 765
A book primarily intended as a Reviewer in Financial Accounting and Reporting in the Philippine CPA Licensure Examinations; prepares in conformity with the new CPA syllabus approved by the board of Accountancy and basic on current PAS,PERC, PIC, IAS,. IFCS and IFRIC.
Accounting--Problem, exercises
657.48076 / V23
Practical financial accounting. - 765
A book primarily intended as a Reviewer in Financial Accounting and Reporting in the Philippine CPA Licensure Examinations; prepares in conformity with the new CPA syllabus approved by the board of Accountancy and basic on current PAS,PERC, PIC, IAS,. IFCS and IFRIC.
Accounting--Problem, exercises
657.48076 / V23