My practice teaching handbook and portfolio.
Lim-Borabo, Heide Grace
My practice teaching handbook and portfolio. - 193
Capsulizes the student's learning using different mode of assessment and a suitcase of documentary evidence of learning in various forms (photographs, illustrations, organizer, songs, rhymes, acronym and the like; features the principles of Outcome-Based Education, National competency-Base Teacher Standards (NCTBS), employs highly interactive and meaningful activities, promotes higher-order-thinking skills (HOTS), given opportunities for the learners to experience the wonders of Practice teaching, reinforces the theories and concepts learned in the classroom and provides practice test with LET like items/questions.
Student teaching--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Student teachers--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
370.7102 / B64
My practice teaching handbook and portfolio. - 193
Capsulizes the student's learning using different mode of assessment and a suitcase of documentary evidence of learning in various forms (photographs, illustrations, organizer, songs, rhymes, acronym and the like; features the principles of Outcome-Based Education, National competency-Base Teacher Standards (NCTBS), employs highly interactive and meaningful activities, promotes higher-order-thinking skills (HOTS), given opportunities for the learners to experience the wonders of Practice teaching, reinforces the theories and concepts learned in the classroom and provides practice test with LET like items/questions.
Student teaching--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Student teachers--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
370.7102 / B64