Discovery engineering in physical science : case studies for grades 6-12
Jones, M. Gail
Discovery engineering in physical science : case studies for grades 6-12 - 406
This book is of value to middle and high school science and engineering teachers as each discovery engineering case includes multiple sections that teachers can tailor to specific classroom environments. Case studies may be used at the start of a unit during the "engage" component of a learning cycle lesson to elicit student interest and provide formative evaluation information about students' preconceptions. A case can also become part of the "extend and apply" component of a lesson. When used at the end of the lesson, the cases help teachers judge whether or not their students understand the science of the case in sufficiently enough to apply their knowledge to new contexts. Case studies contextualize student learning and prompt students to use their knowledge to problem solve in a "real" situation, consider a topic from a new and different perspective, and reflect deeply about their learning. Doing all of this encourages students to increase their understanding of STEM and improve their critical reasoning skills.
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Activity programs
507.12 / D63
Discovery engineering in physical science : case studies for grades 6-12 - 406
This book is of value to middle and high school science and engineering teachers as each discovery engineering case includes multiple sections that teachers can tailor to specific classroom environments. Case studies may be used at the start of a unit during the "engage" component of a learning cycle lesson to elicit student interest and provide formative evaluation information about students' preconceptions. A case can also become part of the "extend and apply" component of a lesson. When used at the end of the lesson, the cases help teachers judge whether or not their students understand the science of the case in sufficiently enough to apply their knowledge to new contexts. Case studies contextualize student learning and prompt students to use their knowledge to problem solve in a "real" situation, consider a topic from a new and different perspective, and reflect deeply about their learning. Doing all of this encourages students to increase their understanding of STEM and improve their critical reasoning skills.
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Activity programs
507.12 / D63