The school and the community, school culture, and organizational leadership
Pawilen, Greg Tabios, Reyes, Ericson M, Rivera, John Amiel A & Trixie Marie J. Sison
The school and the community, school culture, and organizational leadership Greg Tabios Pawilen; Ericson M. Reyes: John Amiel A. Rivera: Trixie Marie J. Sison. - First Edition - Manila Rex Book Store 2019 - vi 99 pages Includes bibliographical references and index.
370 / P289
The school and the community, school culture, and organizational leadership Greg Tabios Pawilen; Ericson M. Reyes: John Amiel A. Rivera: Trixie Marie J. Sison. - First Edition - Manila Rex Book Store 2019 - vi 99 pages Includes bibliographical references and index.
370 / P289