Cambridge IGCSE English as a second language: exam preparation guide reading and writing.
Lucantoni, Peter
Cambridge IGCSE English as a second language: exam preparation guide reading and writing. - 162
An exam preparation guide for students taking the Cambridge IGCSE in English as a second language and provides extra guidance and practice in each of the seven examination exercises for the Reading and writing papers (Papers 1 and 2) at both Core and Extended levels.
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign--Speakers
Second language Acquisition
English language--Grammar.
420.712 / L96
Cambridge IGCSE English as a second language: exam preparation guide reading and writing. - 162
An exam preparation guide for students taking the Cambridge IGCSE in English as a second language and provides extra guidance and practice in each of the seven examination exercises for the Reading and writing papers (Papers 1 and 2) at both Core and Extended levels.
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign--Speakers
Second language Acquisition
English language--Grammar.
420.712 / L96