The bullied boy becomes a hero /
Leon, Yzobelle
The bullied boy becomes a hero / by Yzobelle Leon, illustrated by Valerie Luistro - Quezon City : Grade Books Trading, c2014 - 22 pages : collor illustrations ; 26 cm
"With comprehension guide for teachers." --Cover
"The Bullied Boy Becomes a Hero. Bobbie was like by his classmates too. Back then... not anymore! Something happened - or did not happen! - over the summer! What could have happened to Bobbie over the summer? Has he forever lost his friend? Read on and find out! Would you do the same if you were in Bobbie's place?
Recommended for children 8 ages and up. The Bullies Boy Becomes a hero is a short story about kindness, bravery, and dealing with losing and winning friends. The Bullied Boy Becomes a Hero comes with a comprehension guide to help teachers and parents process the story to the children." --Cover
9789719645030 paperback
/ L551b 2014
The bullied boy becomes a hero / by Yzobelle Leon, illustrated by Valerie Luistro - Quezon City : Grade Books Trading, c2014 - 22 pages : collor illustrations ; 26 cm
"With comprehension guide for teachers." --Cover
"The Bullied Boy Becomes a Hero. Bobbie was like by his classmates too. Back then... not anymore! Something happened - or did not happen! - over the summer! What could have happened to Bobbie over the summer? Has he forever lost his friend? Read on and find out! Would you do the same if you were in Bobbie's place?
Recommended for children 8 ages and up. The Bullies Boy Becomes a hero is a short story about kindness, bravery, and dealing with losing and winning friends. The Bullied Boy Becomes a Hero comes with a comprehension guide to help teachers and parents process the story to the children." --Cover
9789719645030 paperback
/ L551b 2014