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Group analysis : working with staff, teams and organizations /

Group analysis : working with staff, teams and organizations / edited by Aleksandra Novakovic and David Vincent. - ix, 227 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Tavistock consultancy approaches, systemic practice, and the group analytic approach in work with staff, staff teams, and organizations -- Tavistock consultancy, systems centred, and group analytic perspectives on a community meeting on an acute psychiatric ward -- "How did you get here from there?": psychosis, stigma, and the counter transference / David Vincent -- Working between worlds of experience / Peter Wilson -- What makes a staff support group (un)safe / David Kennard -- Consulting to doctors in general practice : "don't talk to me about work" / Cynthia Rogers -- Reflective practice groups : a hall of mirrors / Sue Einhorn -- Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable : reflective practice in anxious times / Ian Simpson -- Resistance to reflective practice : an anti-group perspective / Morris Nitsun -- Discovering the unconscious patterns of a national culture through a large group of psychotherapists and group analysts in Finland : an application of group analysis in an organizational context / Gerhard Wilke -- The group as a whole, the individual in the group, and the group in the individual / Aleksandra Novakovic.

"This book is a searching view of various ways of working with the dynamics of professionals. Not only is stress in teams a neglected priority, but knowledge about such stress needs to be held within the teams themselves. It also addresseses two essential features of group analysis: the exploration of unconscious dynamics in groups, and the shifts of observational attention between the group as a whole, the individual in the group, and the group in the individual. Including perspectives from both organizational consultancy and reflective practice groups, chapters features analysis with groups and subgroups in a range of settings, including the forensic psychiatric hospital, a children's hospice, and Aglican religious community and the management team of global organization." --Hinselwood, Bob

9780367112066 (hardback) 9780367112073 (pbk.) Mind Mover : ₱ 1,899.00


Teams in the workplace--Psychological aspects.
Small groups--Psychological aspects.
Organizational behavior.

HD66 / .N68 2019

658.4/022 / G91 2019