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Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics /

Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics / edited by Salvendy, Gavriel, Karwowski, Waldemar - Fifth Edition. - Hoboken : Wiley, 2021 - xxiv, 1576 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.


Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Human Factors Function
The Discipline of Human Factors and Ergonomics / Waldemar Karwowski and Wei Zhang
Human Systems Integration and Design / Guy A. Boy
2. Human Factors Fundamentals
Sensation and Perception / Robert W. Proctor and Janet D. Proctor
Selection and Control of Action / Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu
Information Processing / Christopher D. Wickens and C. Melody Carswell
Decision-Making Models, Decision Support, and Problem Solving / Mark R. Lehto and Gaurav Nanda
Mental Workload / G.M. Hancock, L. Longo, M.S. Young, and P.A. Hancock
Social and Organizational Foundation of Ergonomics: Multi-Level Systems Approaches / Pascale Carayon
Emotional Design / Feng Zhou, Yangjian Ji, and Roger Jianxin Jiao
Cross-Cultural Design / Tom Plocher, Pei-Luen Patrick Rau, Yee-Yin Choong, and Zhi Guo
3. Design of Equipment, Tasks, Jobs, and Environments
Three-Dimensional (3D) Anthropometry and Its Applications in Product Design / Liang Ma and Jianwei Niu
Basic Biomechanics and Workplace Design / William S. Marras and Waldemar Karwowski
The Changing Nature of Task Analysis / Erik Hollnagel
Workplace Design / Nicolas Marmaras and Dimitris Nathanael
Job and Team Design / Frederick P. Morgeson and Michael A. Campion
Design, Delivery, Evaluation, and Transfer of Effective Training Systems / Tiffany M. Bisbey, Rebecca Grossman, Kareem Panton, Chris W. Coultas, and Eduardo Salas
Situation Awareness / Mica R. Endsley 4. Design for Health, Safety, and Comfort
Sound and Noise: Measurement and Design Guidance / John G. Casali
Vibration and Motion / Neil J. Mansfield and Michael J. Griffin
Human Errors and Human Reliability / Peng Liu, Renyou Zhang, Zijian Yin, and Zhizhong Li
Occupational Safety and Health Management / Jeanne Mager Stellman, Sonalee Rau, and Pratik Thaker
Managing low-Back Disorder Risk in the Workplace / William S. Marras and Waldemar Karwowski
Manual Materials Handling: Evaluation and Practical Considerations / Fadi A. Fathallah and Ira Janowitz
Warnings and Hazard Communications / Michael S. Wogalter, Christopher B. Mayhorn, and Kenneth R. Laughery, Sr
Use of Personal Protective Equipment / Grażyna Bartkowiak, Krzysztof Baszczyński, Anna Bogdan, Agnieszka Brochocka, Anna Dąbrowska, Rafał Hrynyk, Emilia Irzmańska, Danuta Koradecka, Emil Kozłowski, Katarzyna Majchrzycka, Krzysztof Makowski, Anna Marszałek, Magdalena Młynarczyk, Rafał Młyński, Grzegorz Owczarek, and Janżera
5. Human Performance Modeling
Mathematical Modeling in Human-Machine System Design and Evaluation / Changxu Wu and Yili Liu
Modeling and Simulation of Human Systems / Gunther E. Paul
Human Supervisory Control of Automation / Thomas B. Sheridan
Digital Human Modeling in Design / Vincent G. Duffy
Extended Reality (XR) Environments / Kay M. Stanney, Hannah Nye, Sam Haddad, Kelly S. Hale, Christina K. Padron, and Joseph V. Cohn
Neuroergonomics / Hasan Ayaz and Frédéric Dehais
6. System Evaluation
Accident and Incident Investigation / Patrick G. Dempsey
Human Factors and Ergonomics Audits / Colin G. Drury and Patrick G. Dempsey
Cost/Benefit Analysis for Human Systems Investments / William B. Rouse and Dennis K. McBride
7. Human-Computer Interaction
Data Visualization / Sumanta N. Pattanaik and R. Paul Wiegand
Representation Design / John M. Flach, Kevin B. Bennett, Jonathan W. Butler, and Michael A. Heroux
Collecting and Analyzing User Insights / Matthias Peissner, Kathrin Pollmann, and Nora Fronemann
Usability and User Experience: Design and Evaluation / James R. Lewis and Jeff Sauro
Website Design and Evaluation / Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Robert W. Proctor, and Ya-Hsin Hung
Mobile Systems Design and Evaluation / June Wei and Siyi Dong
Human Factors in Ambient Intelligence Environments / Constantine Stephanidis, Margherita Antona, and Stavroula Ntoa
Human-Centered Design of Artificial Intelligence / George Margetis, Stavroula Ntoa, Margherita Antona, and Constantine Stephanidis
Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Trust / Abbas Moallem
Human-Robot Interaction / Jessie Y.C. Chen and Michael J. Barnes
Human Factors in Social Media / Qin Gao and Yue Chen 8. Design for Individual Differences
Design for All in Digital Technologies / Constantine Stephanidis
Design for People Experiencing Functional Limitations / Gregg C. Vanderheiden, J. Bern Jordan, and Jonathan Lazar
Design for Aging / Jia Zhou and Qin Gao
Design of Digital Technologies for Children / Panos Markopoulos, Janet C. Read, and Michail Giannakos
9. Selected Applications
Human Factors and Ergonomics Standards / Waldemar Karwowski, Redha Taiar, David Rodrick, Bohdana Sherehiy, and Robert R. Fox
Data Analytics in Human Factors / Matt Holman, Guy Walker, Melissa Bedinger, Annie Visser-Quinn, Kerri McClymont, Lindsay Beevers, and Terry Lansdown
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Design of A³: Automation, Autonomy, and Artificial Intelligence / Ben D. Sawyer, Dave B. Miller, Matthew Canham, and Waldemar Karwowski
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care / Pascale Carayon, Kathryn Wust, Bat-Zion Hose, and Megan E. Salwei
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Digital Manufacturing / Dieter Spath and Martin Braun
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Aviation / Steven J. Landry
Human Side of Space Exploration and Habitation / Kevin R. Duda, Dava J. Newman, Joanna Zhang, Nicolas Meirhaeghe, and H. Larissa Zhou
Human Factors and Ergonomics for Sustainability / Klaus Fischer, Andrew Thatcher, and Klaus J. Zink

"In the newly revised Fifth Edition of Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Drs. Gavriel Salvendy and Waldemar Karwowski deliver a comprehensive exploration of workplace environment design, human-machine interfaces, and cutting-edge research on the reduction of health and safety risks. The editors have compiled practical material from an international team of leading experts in ergonomics and human factors that will benefit specialists in the area, as well as safety engineers and human-computer interaction specialists. The Handbook includes information culled from over 7500 sources and features brand new coverage in areas like artificial intelligence, social media, information technology and cybersecurity, and data analytics. Numerous case studies demonstrate the real-world application of the concepts and methods discussed within and showcase the extraordinary developments in the field since the publication of the Fourth Edition in 2012."-- Provided by publisher

9781119636083 Mind Mover : ₱27, 980.00

620.82 / H19 2021