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An introduction to language /

An introduction to language / Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams, Mengistu Amberber, Felicity Cox, Rosalind Thornton. - 10th ed. - South Melbourne, VIC : Cengage Learning Australia, c2021. - 503 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographies and index.

Table of Contents:
IFC: Phoneme List for Australian English
Part 1. The nature of human language
1. What is language?

Part 2. Grammatical aspects of language
2. Phonetics: The sounMorphologyds of language
3. Phonology: The sound patterns of language
4. Morphology: The words of language
5. Syntax: The sentence patterns of language
6. Semantics and Pragmatics: The meanings of language

Part 3. The psychology of language
7. Language acquisition
8. Language processing and the human brain

Part 4. Language and society
9. Language in society
10. Language change: The syllables of time
11. Writing: The ABCs of language
IBC: Lexical Categories tables Meet the Authors:
Victoria Fromkin
Victoria Fromkin was Professor of Linguistics and a member of the faculty of the University of California, Department of Linguistics from 1966 until her death in 2000. She served as its chair from 1972–1976. Dr Fromkin published more than one hundred books, monographs and papers on topics concerned with phonetics, phonology, tone languages, African languages, speech errors, processing models, aphasia and the brain/mind/language interface.
Robert Rodman
Robert Rodman was a Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science at North Carolina State University. His research interests included computational forensic linguistics, speech processing, and in particular, lip synchronisation and voice recognition.
Nina Hyams
Nina Hyams is Professor of Linguistics and co-director of the UCLA Psycholinguistics Laboratory and the UCLA Infant Language Laboratory. Her main areas of research are childhood language development and syntax. She is author of the book Language Acquisition and the Theory of Parameters (D. Reidel publishers, 1986) a milestone in language acquisition research. She has also published numerous articles on the development of syntax and morphology in children.
Mengistu Amberber
Mengistu Amberber is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at the University of New South Wales. His main research interests include the syntax–semantics interface (with particular reference to generative grammar) and linguistic typology. He is the co-editor of Complex Predicates: Cross-linguistic Perspectives on Event Structure (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Felicity Cox
Felicity Cox is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University. She is the Linguistics Department director of undergraduate studies and convenor of the Bachelor of Speech, Hearing and Language Sciences program. She teaches phonetics and phonology at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and has published widely on the phonetics and phonology of Australian English. Felicity is the author of Australian English: Pronunciation and Transcription, 2nd edition (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Rosalind Thornton
Rosalind Thornton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University and a researcher in the Centre of Excellence for Cognition and its Disorders. Rosalind teaches introductory linguistics, child language acquisition and syntax. Her research focuses on the acquisition of syntax in typically-developing children, and children with Specific Language Impairment. What's New?
Enhanced layout and NEW full-colour visual design for improved student navigation of the key phonemes, worked examples, constituency tests and phase structure trees
Revised structure of Part 2 'Grammatical aspects of language', with 'Phonetics: The sounds of language' now Chapter 2 (previously Chapter 6), and 'Phonology: The sound patterns of language' now Chapter 3 (previously Chapter 7), as this order aligns with the introduction of teaching of these topics in this region
New Chapter 8. Language processing and the human brain combines the content from previous edition chapters: 2. Brain and language, and 9. Language processing: Humans and computers, in a more concise and accessible way for students
Expanded and updated coverage of important topics in this field including NEW section on Can computers learn human language? (Ch 1); argument structure, thematic roles and semantic features, and how these features affect the syntax (Ch 6); the spontaneous development of language by deaf children (Ch 8), third person genderless pronouns in context of challenging binary views of gender (ch 9), and more
Expanded coverage of Indigenous Languages of Australia and Oceanic languages throughout the 10th edition
Let’s get physical – more exercises! Both reviewers and authors agreed that the valuable end-of-chapter exercises needed to be increased in number and updated; the addition of challenge exercises go beyond the scope to stretch students
NEW MindTap premium online teaching and learning tools for blended learning delivery incorporating readings with interactive phoneme lists, activities, revision quizzes and more. Features:
Bring your learning to life with the locally created INTERACTIVE PHONEME LIST that allows students to hear the sounds of Australian English.
Covers the major components of language (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics) in a clear and engaging fashion, retaining its signature student-friendly style
Reflects the study of linguistics in Australia. Among other things, it takes account of the place of language in Australian society, bases its description of English on the Australian English dialect, includes Australian pronunciations in the phonetics and phonology chapters and uses transcription symbols that are in standard use in this country
Encourage deep learning and independent discovery through the research-oriented exercises at the end of every chapter
Students can learn and revise the core concepts using the quick reference phoneme lists and syntax tables on the inside front and back covers
Easily prepare your assessment using the test bank with a variety of questions types for each chapter
The clear list of learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter assists students to focus their reading
Help readers to quickly and easily learn linguistic terminology using key terms defined in the margins the first time they are used
Unique to this text, the International Phonetic Alphabet is represented by both HCE and MD versions, allowing lecturers to use whichever IPA system they prefer
MindTap - Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform - the personalised eLearning solution. MindTap is a flexible and easy-to-use platform that helps build student confidence and gives you a clear picture of their progress. We partner with you to ease the transition to digital – we're with you every step of the way. MindTap for Fromkin's Introduction to Languages 10th A&NZ edition is full of innovative resources to support critical thinking, and help your students move from memorisation to mastery! Includes: · Fromkin Introduction to Languages 10th A&NZ edition eBook · Interactive phoneme lists · Video activities · Quizzes and · Flashcards MindTap is a premium purchasable eLearning tool. Contact your Cengage learning consultant to find out how MindTap can transform your course.
Instructor Website - Your #1 resource for your course. This tailored collection of teaching tools includes downloadable PowerPoint lecture slides, Instructor's Answer Key, Test bank and Artwork. New to this edition are the Instructor’s 'Test your knowledge' questions and answers in the Instructor’s Guide. Log in or request an account to access instructor resources at au.cengage.com/instructor/account for Australia or nz.cengage.com/instructor/account for New Zealand. MindTap Each MindTap product offers the full, mobile-ready textbook combined with superior and proven learning tools at one affordable price. Students who purchase digital access can add a print option at any time when a print option is available for their course.

This Cengage solution can be seamlessly integrated into most Learning Management Systems (Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, Canvas, Moodle, and more) but does require a different ISBN for access codes. Please work with your Cengage Learning Consultant to ensure the proper course set up and ordering information. For additional information, please visit the LMS Integration site. Supplements:
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MindTap for Fromkin's An Introduction to Language 10e, 2-terms Instant Access

ISBN: 9780170450072
Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform - the personalised eLearning solution. MindTap is a flexible and easy-to-use platform that helps build student confidence and gives you a clear picture of their progress. We partner with you to ease the transition to digital – we're with you every step of the way. MindTap for Fromkin's Introduction to Languages 10th A&NZ edition is full of innovative resources to support critical thinking, and help your students move from memorisation to mastery! Includes: · Fromkin Introduction to Languages 10th A&NZ edition eBook · Interactive phoneme lists · Video activities · Quizzes and · Flashcards MindTap is a premium purchasable eLearning tool. Contact your Cengage learning consultant to find out how MindTap can transform your course.



Language and languages.

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