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Journeying through literature and language with English and American literary texts 9 /

Maullion, Anita V.,

Journeying through literature and language with English and American literary texts 9 / Anita V. Maullion and Artell L. Almonte. - Rev. Ed. - Makati City: SalesianaBooks by Don Bosco Press, Inc., 2019. - viii, 392 p.: col. (ill.), 26 cm. - Language and literature series. .

This book, in particular, hopes to instill among the intended readers a genuine interest and a deep appreciations of English and American literary texts and their connections with that of the Philippine setting. The title of each unit correspond to the theme of the selected literary texts to enhance an inherent understanding not only of the foreign texts but of the importance of the message imparted to each genre, which in turn can lead them to identify their relationship with the rest of the world-linking the past to present (foretaste of what was), understanding life with and for others in the society (broadening perspective), developing awareness or social issues that may affect their being (into the new world), and learning how to cope withe the challenges of the times (adopting to change).

Includes bibliographical references.


Western literature
English language--study and teaching (secondary).
English literature--study and teaching (secondary).
English literature--United States.

PR 1490 / .2019 M449