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Patients level of satisfaction on care given by level 3 student nurses in surgey ward of public hospital in Dumaguete City [thesis] /

Miguel, Trelyn

Patients level of satisfaction on care given by level 3 student nurses in surgey ward of public hospital in Dumaguete City [thesis] / by Shareen Moncal, Christine Marie Macias, David Juge Nacario, Jerecha Jicah B. Ramirez, Gerico C. Torculas and Michelle Umalay. - Dumaguete City : Foundation University. 2024 - 63 leaves ; ill. (col.) 27.cm

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

This study sought to determine the patients' level of satisfaction on nursing care provided by Level III student nurses in a surgery ward of a public hospital in Dumaguete City.
Methods:Descriptive-comparative research design and purposive sampling method were used to recruit 100 patients admitted in the surgical ward of Negros Oriental provincial Hospital.Demographic characteristics and the modified version of the patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire (PSNCQQ) were utilized to measure the surgical patients' level of satisfaction in the areas of reducing physical pain, encouraging social family relations, boosting spiritual belief, and maintaining mental health. Ethical clearance was obtained from Foundation University.
Results: In all areas measured, the patients' level of satisfaction of the student nurse's care were very satisfactory.Kruskall-Wallis H test (a=0.05)revealed that maintaining mental health was significantly different when grouped by length of confinement (H=10.66,p=0.014). Those with 2-week length of confinement have higher levels of satisfaction.
Conclusion: These findings imply that the length of confinement impact patients'satisfaction level on students' clinical care performance.Evaluating satisfaction of the care rendered by student nurses can help determine the effectiveness of nursing activities towards enhancing a holistic patient experience.
Keywords:patient satisfaction, nursing care, student nurses,surgery ward, length of confinement,holistic patient experience

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