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Governance, business ethics, risk management, and internal control

Meneses, Jesse Rey L. CPA, CrFA, MBA

Governance, business ethics, risk management, and internal control Jesse Rey L. Meneses, CPA, CrFA, MBA, Eugenio V. Villaceran, CPA, MBA, CTT - Quezon City: Rex Book Store, 2022. - ix, 124 pages ill. (col.) 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Massive corporate scandals of the 1990s and 2000s,both here and abroad,highlighted the need for corporate governance, ethics, and internal control, In addition tothese business collapses are risks that continue to bombard every company across variousindustries. Indeed,the entire business landscape,regulatory, and operating environmentshave evolved ever since the Enron scandal rocked the business community and globalcapital markets.
Premised on the above, the autors felt a compelling reason to educate people,especially our future professional accountants, with regard to the importance ofgovernance, ethics, risk management, and internal control (GERI).Without these,itwill be "game over" for any business. Needless to say, this important field of governingcompanies in the proper way is now part of the formal currcula of the B.S.Accountancy(BSA)program. The authors believe that acquainting BSA students about the importanceof GERI at such an early stage can be used as "launching pads" for better understandingand interest in this field of study. Hence, the authors embarked to write this textbookspecifically for accountancy students.
In the writing process, the authors attempted to strike a balance between conceptsand practical examples on how GERI can add value to the company. Care is also applied sothat accountancy students will not be overwhelmed with so many codes,laws,rules,andregulations. The authors exerted efforts to tell a corporate story line in discussing GERI soas to engage the readers.
This textbook is dedicated to our future professional accountants, accountingprofessors, our family members,and,the source of all good governance,God Almighty.


Business insurance--Law and legislation--France.
Risk management--France.

Management Accounting, Bachelor of Science in

(CBA-MgtAcct) KJV2898 / 2022 M543