Manual of accreditation /
Navaro, Rosita L. Ph.D.
Manual of accreditation / by Rosita L. Navarro Ph.D - Quezon City : Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA), 2012. - iv, 175 pages ; ill. 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Phil Cross by, a quality assurance guru and advocate of zero defect believes in two basic principles: first, it is nearly always less troublesome, more certain and less expensive to prevent defects than to discover and correct them. Secondly, he believes that every defect represents a cost which includes inspection time, rework, wasted materials and labor. Thefirst principle promotes prevention while the second presentsthe disadvantages of a corrective approach to qualityassurance. While both may be appropriate approaches, prevention is obviously a better approach than correction.
The PACUCOA approach towards quality is both prevention and correction. Prevention for schools which havenot yet fallen into the quagmire of poor quality. On the otherhand, for schools which have not yet established theircontinuous quality improvement initatives and are about toslide into the pitfall of inferior quality, corrective actionscould be done.
This revised manual is inspired by the principles ofPhil Crosby. The manual contains important policies,guidelines, procedures and standards of PACUCOA. Thismanual can be a very helpful guide both for institutions which are just starting their continuous quality improvementinitiatives and for institutions which have in place theirquality assurance systems, but which would like to sustain their level of quality and excellence.
Home care services--Standards--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
(Fil.-P) LG 221 D85 / A35 2012 P552
Manual of accreditation / by Rosita L. Navarro Ph.D - Quezon City : Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA), 2012. - iv, 175 pages ; ill. 22 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Phil Cross by, a quality assurance guru and advocate of zero defect believes in two basic principles: first, it is nearly always less troublesome, more certain and less expensive to prevent defects than to discover and correct them. Secondly, he believes that every defect represents a cost which includes inspection time, rework, wasted materials and labor. Thefirst principle promotes prevention while the second presentsthe disadvantages of a corrective approach to qualityassurance. While both may be appropriate approaches, prevention is obviously a better approach than correction.
The PACUCOA approach towards quality is both prevention and correction. Prevention for schools which havenot yet fallen into the quagmire of poor quality. On the otherhand, for schools which have not yet established theircontinuous quality improvement initatives and are about toslide into the pitfall of inferior quality, corrective actionscould be done.
This revised manual is inspired by the principles ofPhil Crosby. The manual contains important policies,guidelines, procedures and standards of PACUCOA. Thismanual can be a very helpful guide both for institutions which are just starting their continuous quality improvementinitiatives and for institutions which have in place theirquality assurance systems, but which would like to sustain their level of quality and excellence.
Home care services--Standards--United States--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
(Fil.-P) LG 221 D85 / A35 2012 P552