The story of Philippine Central Banking : stability and strength at seventy, 1949-2019 /
The story of Philippine Central Banking : stability and strength at seventy, 1949-2019 /
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- Manila : Corporate Affairs Office, Central Bank of the Philippines, c2019-
- 383 p. : col. illus. 27 cm.
- Various frequencies.
- 2019-
- Central Bank of the Philippines Publications Annual Reports / Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Selected Philippine Economic Indicators (SPEI) / Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Annual Report for the Layman / Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Inflation Report / Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Monetary Policy Report / Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. .
All publications of the Central Bank of the Philippines are cataloged and classified under one platform for easy retrieval, both physical and online, by users of Foundation University Library.
Includes bibliographical references.
Here are the contents for the SPEI (Selected Philippine Economic Indicators), 2019 Yearbook.
1Philppines: Balance of Payments (BPM6 Concept) (2005-2019)1.1Goods1.2Services1.3Primary Income1.4Secondary Income1.5Capital Account1.6Direct Investment1.7Portfolio Investment1.8Financial Derivatives (Other than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options1.9Other Investment1.10Overall BOP Position2Internationational Investment Position (BPM6 Concept)(2006-2019)2.1International Investment Position:Assets2.2International Investment Position: Liabilities3Direction of Trade (2000-2019)3.1Direction of Trade, Growth Rates3.2Direction of Trade,Percent Share to Total4International Reserves (2000-2019)5Total External Debt (2005-2019)5.1Total External Debt,Growth Rates5.2Total External Debt, Percent Share to Totallected External Debt Ratios (2005-2019)9SelectPhilippine Foreign Currency Deposit System-Assets, LIabilities and Equity (2008-2019)8Foreignn Currency Deposit Units-Loans by Borrower (2000-2019)Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Industry(1994 PSIC) (2005-2010)69.1NetForeign(BPM610Net Foreign Direct Investment(BPM6 Concept) by Industry (2009 PSIC) (2010-2019)10.1Net Foreign Diirect Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Industry (2009 PSIC),Percent Share to Total Equity11Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Countrof Origin (2005-2019)11.1Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Country of Origin,Percent Share to Total Equity12ountry, by Source (2000-2019)Sビdэгйp0S ds RenttuainCeэ9ou12.1Overseas Filipinos' Cash Remittances,Growth Rates12.2tances,Perc13Philippine Peso Per U.S Dollar Rate (2000-2019)14Cross Rates of the Peso (In Peso per Unit of Foreign Currency, End-of period) (2000-2019)0Se tunteAE EAeetan CaureeeDeriodAν14.1Cross Rates oeriod Averages) (2000-2019)4O1ua18s u8ia1016 uш6adoc2aul osa4 au 1o sə214.2Cross Rates of the Peso (Annual Percent Appreciation/Depreciation, Period Averages) (2000-2019)15US Dollar Rates PerJnit of Selected Currency(End-of period) (2000-2019)15.1US Dollar Rates Per Unit of Selected Currency (Period Averages) (2000-2019)15.2Us Dollar Rates Per Unit of Selected Currency (Annual Percent Appreciation/Depreclation, Period Averages)(2000-216Effective Exchange Rate Indices of the Peso (Period Averages in Percent)(2000-2019)17Selected Foreign Interest Rates (Averages in Percent) (2000-2019)18Central Bank Survey(2001-2019)Depository Corporations Survey (2001-2019)9.1Depository Corporations Survey, Growth Rates20Philippines:Selected DoQ00e41estic Interest Rates (Weighted Averages in Percent) (2000-2019)3BSP:Assets and Liabilities (2001-2019)22BSP:Statemome and Expense (2001-2019)2τ 0T 8ICOIG a:23Total Resources of the Philippine Financlal System, (2000-2019)23.1Totf the Philippine Financial System, Growth RatesLdi nesOL23.2Total Resources of the Philippine Financial System, Percent Share to Total24nstitutions (2000-2019)25Loans Outstanding of Universal Banks and Commercial Baaks (PSIC 2009)(2014-2019)25aLoans Outetanding of Universal Banks and Commercial Banks (PSIC 1994) (2001-2013)Philippines: Total Loans (Gross) Loan Losvisions and Non-performing Loans (2000-2019)☆Universal and Commercial Banks' Loans Outstanding to the Real Estate Sector by Purpose (2008-2018)National Government Cash Operations (2000-2019)33Consolidated Public Sector Financial Position (2000-2018)
30Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin (At Current Prices) (2000-2019)31Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Shares (At Current Prices) (2000-2019)32Gross National Income and Gross Domestic ProHuct by Industrial Origin (At Constant 2018 prices)(2000-2019)33Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Shares (At constant 2018 prices) (2000-2019)34Consumer Price Index, Inflation Rate and Purchasing Power of the Peso (2012=100)(2000-2019)35Inflation Rates (2012=100) (2000-2019)36Inflation Rates by Commodity Group (2012=100)(2000-2019)37General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) (2000-2019)37.1General Wholesale Price Index (2012=100)(2000-2019)38General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) (2000-2019)38.1General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2012=100) (2000-2019)39Value of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises, by Industry (2000=100) (2000-2019)39.1Value of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises, Growth Rates (2000=100)(2000-2019)40Volume of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises by Industry (2000=100) (2000-2019)40.1Volume of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises by Industry,Growth Rates (2000=100)(2000-2019)41Producer Price Index for Manufacturing (2000=100) (2000-2019)42Selected Labor and Wage Indicators (2000-2019)43Philippine Stock Market Composite Index (End-of period) (2005-2019)44Philippine Stock Market Capitalization (End-of period) (2005-2019)45Price-Earning Ratio (End-of period) (2000-2019)46Philippine Stock Market Transactions (1998-2004)46aPhilippine Stock Market Transactions (2005-2019)47Philippines: Land Area, Population, and Density of Population (2000-2019)48Selected Economic Indicators-Asian Countries (2005-2019)49Selected Economic Indicators-Advanced Economies (2005-2019)50Selected Stock Price Indices (2000-2019)50.1Selected Stock Price Indices, Growth Rates
Banks and banking--Philippines.--Corporate reports
Banks and banking, Central --Philippines --Corporate reports
Philippines--Economic conditions--1946-1986.
Philippines--Economic policy.
Philippines--Foreign economic relations.
Philippines--Banks and banking, Central --Corporate reports
Philippines--Banks and banking, Central--1949-2019.--History
HG 1262 / B36
All publications of the Central Bank of the Philippines are cataloged and classified under one platform for easy retrieval, both physical and online, by users of Foundation University Library.
Includes bibliographical references.
Here are the contents for the SPEI (Selected Philippine Economic Indicators), 2019 Yearbook.
1Philppines: Balance of Payments (BPM6 Concept) (2005-2019)1.1Goods1.2Services1.3Primary Income1.4Secondary Income1.5Capital Account1.6Direct Investment1.7Portfolio Investment1.8Financial Derivatives (Other than Reserves) and Employee Stock Options1.9Other Investment1.10Overall BOP Position2Internationational Investment Position (BPM6 Concept)(2006-2019)2.1International Investment Position:Assets2.2International Investment Position: Liabilities3Direction of Trade (2000-2019)3.1Direction of Trade, Growth Rates3.2Direction of Trade,Percent Share to Total4International Reserves (2000-2019)5Total External Debt (2005-2019)5.1Total External Debt,Growth Rates5.2Total External Debt, Percent Share to Totallected External Debt Ratios (2005-2019)9SelectPhilippine Foreign Currency Deposit System-Assets, LIabilities and Equity (2008-2019)8Foreignn Currency Deposit Units-Loans by Borrower (2000-2019)Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Industry(1994 PSIC) (2005-2010)69.1NetForeign(BPM610Net Foreign Direct Investment(BPM6 Concept) by Industry (2009 PSIC) (2010-2019)10.1Net Foreign Diirect Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Industry (2009 PSIC),Percent Share to Total Equity11Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Countrof Origin (2005-2019)11.1Net Foreign Direct Investment (BPM6 Concept) by Country of Origin,Percent Share to Total Equity12ountry, by Source (2000-2019)Sビdэгйp0S ds RenttuainCeэ9ou12.1Overseas Filipinos' Cash Remittances,Growth Rates12.2tances,Perc13Philippine Peso Per U.S Dollar Rate (2000-2019)14Cross Rates of the Peso (In Peso per Unit of Foreign Currency, End-of period) (2000-2019)0Se tunteAE EAeetan CaureeeDeriodAν14.1Cross Rates oeriod Averages) (2000-2019)4O1ua18s u8ia1016 uш6adoc2aul osa4 au 1o sə214.2Cross Rates of the Peso (Annual Percent Appreciation/Depreciation, Period Averages) (2000-2019)15US Dollar Rates PerJnit of Selected Currency(End-of period) (2000-2019)15.1US Dollar Rates Per Unit of Selected Currency (Period Averages) (2000-2019)15.2Us Dollar Rates Per Unit of Selected Currency (Annual Percent Appreciation/Depreclation, Period Averages)(2000-216Effective Exchange Rate Indices of the Peso (Period Averages in Percent)(2000-2019)17Selected Foreign Interest Rates (Averages in Percent) (2000-2019)18Central Bank Survey(2001-2019)Depository Corporations Survey (2001-2019)9.1Depository Corporations Survey, Growth Rates20Philippines:Selected DoQ00e41estic Interest Rates (Weighted Averages in Percent) (2000-2019)3BSP:Assets and Liabilities (2001-2019)22BSP:Statemome and Expense (2001-2019)2τ 0T 8ICOIG a:23Total Resources of the Philippine Financlal System, (2000-2019)23.1Totf the Philippine Financial System, Growth RatesLdi nesOL23.2Total Resources of the Philippine Financial System, Percent Share to Total24nstitutions (2000-2019)25Loans Outstanding of Universal Banks and Commercial Baaks (PSIC 2009)(2014-2019)25aLoans Outetanding of Universal Banks and Commercial Banks (PSIC 1994) (2001-2013)Philippines: Total Loans (Gross) Loan Losvisions and Non-performing Loans (2000-2019)☆Universal and Commercial Banks' Loans Outstanding to the Real Estate Sector by Purpose (2008-2018)National Government Cash Operations (2000-2019)33Consolidated Public Sector Financial Position (2000-2018)
30Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin (At Current Prices) (2000-2019)31Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Shares (At Current Prices) (2000-2019)32Gross National Income and Gross Domestic ProHuct by Industrial Origin (At Constant 2018 prices)(2000-2019)33Gross National Income and Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Shares (At constant 2018 prices) (2000-2019)34Consumer Price Index, Inflation Rate and Purchasing Power of the Peso (2012=100)(2000-2019)35Inflation Rates (2012=100) (2000-2019)36Inflation Rates by Commodity Group (2012=100)(2000-2019)37General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) (2000-2019)37.1General Wholesale Price Index (2012=100)(2000-2019)38General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) (2000-2019)38.1General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2012=100) (2000-2019)39Value of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises, by Industry (2000=100) (2000-2019)39.1Value of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises, Growth Rates (2000=100)(2000-2019)40Volume of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises by Industry (2000=100) (2000-2019)40.1Volume of Production Index of Key Manufacturing Enterprises by Industry,Growth Rates (2000=100)(2000-2019)41Producer Price Index for Manufacturing (2000=100) (2000-2019)42Selected Labor and Wage Indicators (2000-2019)43Philippine Stock Market Composite Index (End-of period) (2005-2019)44Philippine Stock Market Capitalization (End-of period) (2005-2019)45Price-Earning Ratio (End-of period) (2000-2019)46Philippine Stock Market Transactions (1998-2004)46aPhilippine Stock Market Transactions (2005-2019)47Philippines: Land Area, Population, and Density of Population (2000-2019)48Selected Economic Indicators-Asian Countries (2005-2019)49Selected Economic Indicators-Advanced Economies (2005-2019)50Selected Stock Price Indices (2000-2019)50.1Selected Stock Price Indices, Growth Rates
Banks and banking--Philippines.--Corporate reports
Banks and banking, Central --Philippines --Corporate reports
Philippines--Economic conditions--1946-1986.
Philippines--Economic policy.
Philippines--Foreign economic relations.
Philippines--Banks and banking, Central --Corporate reports
Philippines--Banks and banking, Central--1949-2019.--History
HG 1262 / B36