Our times/3 : reading from recent periodicals /
Our times/3 : reading from recent periodicals /
Robert Atwan
- Edition
- Boston : Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press ; 1993.
- xxv, 656 pages : ill. ; 22 cm.
Includes bibliographical reference and appendix.
Preface for Instructors
Like its predecessor, Our Times/3 is a collection of contemporary non-fiction and short fiction intended for use in composition courses. This wealthof very recent writing-mostof it published since 1991 and drawn fromvirtually every important American periodical-provides an intriguing anddistinctive view of life in America today.
This third edition contains sixty-seven selections,fifty-seven of whichare new.The readings are grouped into twenty-two units that treat many ofthe dominant themes, issues, and ideas of our time. A number of these topicspertain directly to the everyday lives of today's students: the difficulties ofparent-teenager communication, the problems of conflicting identities, theobsession with physical appearance, and the significance of personal names.Represented,too, are a variety of perspectives on some of our country's mostcompelling social and political issues-AIDS, the homeless, gun control,animal rights, immigration.
Articles on new and important issues have been added to this edition,many of them revolving around gender and education. Though gender issuessurface throughout the book, several units are devoted exclusively to suchissues. New units cover the significance of gender differences, the debateover sexual harassment, concern over a feminist backlash, and the fledglingmen's movement. On education, Our Times/3 expands its previous coverageof three topics that have continued to command enormous media attention:the canon controversy,free speech in the classroom, and multiculturalism.This edition also features new thematic units on virtual reality,New Agereligion, and paranormal experiences.
A word about the length of these chapters.In contrast to most themat-ically arranged readers, which contain a small number of broad categories,Our Times/3 features a large number of tightly focused units, most withonly two or three selections that directly address each other. For example,instead of one large chapter on education,Our Times/3 presents smallerunits on the canon, free speech, and multiculturalism. The advantages ofusing these smaller bite-size units in a composition course should be imme-diately apparent to instructors: they permit a wider range and variety oftopics to be covered in a syllabus; they allow for more focused discussionand writing; and they can be adequately handled in one or two class periods.1.1..
English language--Rhetoric--Problems, exercises, etc.
Report writing--Problems, exercises, etc.
Gender-sensitive and feminist methodologies
808.84 / Ou7 1993 c.1
Includes bibliographical reference and appendix.
Preface for Instructors
Like its predecessor, Our Times/3 is a collection of contemporary non-fiction and short fiction intended for use in composition courses. This wealthof very recent writing-mostof it published since 1991 and drawn fromvirtually every important American periodical-provides an intriguing anddistinctive view of life in America today.
This third edition contains sixty-seven selections,fifty-seven of whichare new.The readings are grouped into twenty-two units that treat many ofthe dominant themes, issues, and ideas of our time. A number of these topicspertain directly to the everyday lives of today's students: the difficulties ofparent-teenager communication, the problems of conflicting identities, theobsession with physical appearance, and the significance of personal names.Represented,too, are a variety of perspectives on some of our country's mostcompelling social and political issues-AIDS, the homeless, gun control,animal rights, immigration.
Articles on new and important issues have been added to this edition,many of them revolving around gender and education. Though gender issuessurface throughout the book, several units are devoted exclusively to suchissues. New units cover the significance of gender differences, the debateover sexual harassment, concern over a feminist backlash, and the fledglingmen's movement. On education, Our Times/3 expands its previous coverageof three topics that have continued to command enormous media attention:the canon controversy,free speech in the classroom, and multiculturalism.This edition also features new thematic units on virtual reality,New Agereligion, and paranormal experiences.
A word about the length of these chapters.In contrast to most themat-ically arranged readers, which contain a small number of broad categories,Our Times/3 features a large number of tightly focused units, most withonly two or three selections that directly address each other. For example,instead of one large chapter on education,Our Times/3 presents smallerunits on the canon, free speech, and multiculturalism. The advantages ofusing these smaller bite-size units in a composition course should be imme-diately apparent to instructors: they permit a wider range and variety oftopics to be covered in a syllabus; they allow for more focused discussionand writing; and they can be adequately handled in one or two class periods.1.1..
English language--Rhetoric--Problems, exercises, etc.
Report writing--Problems, exercises, etc.
Gender-sensitive and feminist methodologies
808.84 / Ou7 1993 c.1