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Good governance and social responsibility /

Delos Santos, Danilo Lorenzo

Good governance and social responsibility / Danilo Lorenzo S. Delos Santos & Leveric T. Ng - First edition. - x, 111 pages : 25 cm. illustration.,

There is certainly no lack of literature on social responsibility and good governance,both in the academic and professional arena. In the past, social responsibility and goodgovernance were words that did not mean much to a layman. This changed with the adventand growth of social media, corporate citizenship, and social activism. Issues that affectordinary individuals were no longer ignored nor swept aside. Society became increasinglyindignant with corporate stories of greed and moral corruption.
This book introduces students to the concepts of corporate social responsibility andcorporate governance and how these can be used as mechanisms to safeguard the interestsof the varios stakeholders of society, and more importantly, to effect change on certainprocesses and behaviors that can improve governance practices.
As a faculty teaching corporate social responsibility and corporate governance,we find itdifficult to get hold of a book in this subject area that is affordable and withinstudents' reach. We intend to make this book available for students to learn from, as socialresponsibility and good governance are subjects that cut across all disciplines.
Also, as advocates of socially responsible organizations engaging in good corporategovernance practices, these concepts must be taught in colleges/universities. Good valueeducation must be a consistent element in a person's educational journey at any level, anhopefully, that will translate into concretized actions. As educators, we must look intimproving the way we teach business. The future generation of entrepreneurs and operatoof these organizations should understand and apply the concepts of social responsibiliand good governance, and its consequences for the betterment of the society where thlive in.

978-621-04-2480-5 (paperback)

Political participation--Philippines
Civil society--Philippines

Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in. --Income Taxation.--AE26

CBA-Acct) JQ2947.A91 / 2021 D362