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Macro perspectives of tourism and hospitality /

Lansangan-Cruz, Zenaida

Macro perspectives of tourism and hospitality / Zenaida Lansangan-Cruz - Manila : Rex Book Store, 2018. - vii, 207 pages : ill., 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

Tourism and hospitality has been one of the largest and fastest-growing industriesin the world. It contributes greatly to global economic development, particularly incountries that are leading in tourism and hospitality revenues. Governments of manynations are encouraging the growth of tourism and hospitality as a means of jobcreation, economic diversification, and source of foreign exchange.
Beyond its economic significance, tourism and hospitality promotes mutualunderstanding among people of different cultures. Tourism and hospitality is fastbecoming the world's first peace industry-an industry which recognizes, promotes,and supports the belief that every traveler and every host can be an "ambassador forpeace" promoting understanding, goodwill, and respect among the peoples of theworld.
This book is designed as an introductory textbook for tourism and hospitalitystudents of the different colleges and universities offering tourism and hospitalitycourses. It will also be helpful for tourism faculty, persons involved in national,regional, and international tourism and hospitality associations, in transportation,accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, tour operation, travel agencies,and as an in-service training course for personnel employed in the tourism andhospitality field. The text has been researched and developed with a conceptualframework in mind that is based on my experiences in teaching tourism subjects atthe college and graduate levels and in in-service situations. The theories, concepts,and principles presented in the book came from several sources-books,traveljournals, interviews, observations, discussions, speeches, and papers presented atnational,regional, and international seminars and conferences. The references at theend of each chapter have been carefully selected and include the most authoritativepublications on the subject.
The book is aligned with the ASEAN MRA (Mutual Recognition Arrangements)for Tourism Professionals to ensure that graduates of tourism and hospitality coursesare adequately prepared for the requirements of the industry and thereby be globallycompetitive. In addition, the book is based on the course description of the subject,Macro Perspective in Tourism and Hospitality found in CHED Memorandum Order No.62 Series of 2017.The CMO sets the policies, standards, and guidelines for BS TourismManagement and BS Hospitality Management institutions to ensure that their future


Hospitality industry--Management.
Hospitality industry--Personnel management.
Interpersonal communication.

Hospitality Management, College of.--Macro perspectives of tourism and hospitality

(CHM-HM) TX 907 / 2018 L294