Essentials of marksmanship and combat shooting /
Guinayen, Dario F. author
Essentials of marksmanship and combat shooting / Dario F. Guinayen - Manila: Rex Book Store, 2022 - xv, 125 illustration. 23 cm.
This humble piece is specially written for criminologystudents,members of the law enforcement profession,sportshooters,and other gun enthusiasts who are interested inleaming the basic concept of marksmanship and firearmssafety education.
The presentation starts with a short history of thedevelopment of firearms. It is followed immediately by thefundamental rules of gun safety,because the author believesthat beginning shooters should be acquainted first with thebasic rules of gun handling before engaging in live or actualexercises.
This textbook includes firearms and ammunitioneducation.However, the topics are limited only to handguns.Familiarization with handguns and how their different partsfunction is very vital before anybody learns to fire a gun.Havingan understanding of these will help beginning shooters identifythe causes of malfunctions.ldentifying the causes and knowinghow to recover from these malfunctions will not hinder theshooter from continuing in his/her firing activity.
It is expected that after reading this textbook,thestudents should have an understanding of all the basic featuresof handguns. This includes knowing the basic parts and howthe safety features operate.The students should also knowhow to perform the basic pistol operations such as loading,unloading,cocking,and uncocking. The students should also
Rifle practice.
Combat Shhoting.
Development of FireArms
Safety and Firearms Education
Criminology, Bachelor of Science in.--Essentials of marksmanship and combat shooting
(CLJ-Crim) GV 1177 / 2022 G964
Essentials of marksmanship and combat shooting / Dario F. Guinayen - Manila: Rex Book Store, 2022 - xv, 125 illustration. 23 cm.
This humble piece is specially written for criminologystudents,members of the law enforcement profession,sportshooters,and other gun enthusiasts who are interested inleaming the basic concept of marksmanship and firearmssafety education.
The presentation starts with a short history of thedevelopment of firearms. It is followed immediately by thefundamental rules of gun safety,because the author believesthat beginning shooters should be acquainted first with thebasic rules of gun handling before engaging in live or actualexercises.
This textbook includes firearms and ammunitioneducation.However, the topics are limited only to handguns.Familiarization with handguns and how their different partsfunction is very vital before anybody learns to fire a gun.Havingan understanding of these will help beginning shooters identifythe causes of malfunctions.ldentifying the causes and knowinghow to recover from these malfunctions will not hinder theshooter from continuing in his/her firing activity.
It is expected that after reading this textbook,thestudents should have an understanding of all the basic featuresof handguns. This includes knowing the basic parts and howthe safety features operate.The students should also knowhow to perform the basic pistol operations such as loading,unloading,cocking,and uncocking. The students should also
Rifle practice.
Combat Shhoting.
Development of FireArms
Safety and Firearms Education
Criminology, Bachelor of Science in.--Essentials of marksmanship and combat shooting
(CLJ-Crim) GV 1177 / 2022 G964