Cambridge IGSE Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook.
Morrison, Karen
Cambridge IGSE Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook. - 627
12 copies are in the Relegation Room
Covers concepts in a logical and progressive manner using worked examples and diagrams, and there are numerous exercise to practice and master the concepts; includes worked examples, progressive exercises, exam and exam-style questions and a glossary to explain new and difficult words.
Mathematics--Study and teaching.
510 / M83
Cambridge IGSE Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook. - 627
12 copies are in the Relegation Room
Covers concepts in a logical and progressive manner using worked examples and diagrams, and there are numerous exercise to practice and master the concepts; includes worked examples, progressive exercises, exam and exam-style questions and a glossary to explain new and difficult words.
Mathematics--Study and teaching.
510 / M83