GCSE Maths Higher Plus.
Appleton, Marguerite
GCSE Maths Higher Plus. - 404
Offers prior learning assessed at the start so students fully prepared for their topic, learning objectives identified so it is clear what students need to know; clear explanations with examples showing the key techniques and plenty of practice with clearly differentiated questions pitched at an appropriate level; summaries and past EDexcel questions to help students gain responsibility for their learning focus.
Mathematics--Study and teaching.
GCSE Maths Higher Plus. - 404
Offers prior learning assessed at the start so students fully prepared for their topic, learning objectives identified so it is clear what students need to know; clear explanations with examples showing the key techniques and plenty of practice with clearly differentiated questions pitched at an appropriate level; summaries and past EDexcel questions to help students gain responsibility for their learning focus.
Mathematics--Study and teaching.