The uncommon wisdom of John f. Kennedy: a portrait in his own words.
Kennedy, John F.
The uncommon wisdom of John f. Kennedy: a portrait in his own words. - 216
A collection of the very best quotes and anecdotes from a remarkable life and presidency; reveals his triumphs, his struggles, and his passion and love for America and for the world.
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 --Quotations
Presidents--Quotations.--United States
972.922092 / K38
The uncommon wisdom of John f. Kennedy: a portrait in his own words. - 216
A collection of the very best quotes and anecdotes from a remarkable life and presidency; reveals his triumphs, his struggles, and his passion and love for America and for the world.
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 --Quotations
Presidents--Quotations.--United States
972.922092 / K38