OCR Revise Physics AS.
Sang, David
OCR Revise Physics AS. - 2nd - 89
A revision guide written by an experience examiner and teacher of the following 1. Complete coverage of the specification for the exam 2. content organized by module and unit to follow the structure of the specification and exam 3. bite sized chunks of information to make it easier to organize your revision time 4. quick-check revision questions so that you can test your own knowledge easily 5. hints and tips from examiners to help you avoid common errors and 6. all thew answers to questions so that you can check that you're in the right track.
Physics--Study and teaching.
530 / Sa5
OCR Revise Physics AS. - 2nd - 89
A revision guide written by an experience examiner and teacher of the following 1. Complete coverage of the specification for the exam 2. content organized by module and unit to follow the structure of the specification and exam 3. bite sized chunks of information to make it easier to organize your revision time 4. quick-check revision questions so that you can test your own knowledge easily 5. hints and tips from examiners to help you avoid common errors and 6. all thew answers to questions so that you can check that you're in the right track.
Physics--Study and teaching.
530 / Sa5