Extent of use of teacher's code-switching as a medium of instruction in English.
Cacas, Zoraida A.
Extent of use of teacher's code-switching as a medium of instruction in English. - 71
Identifies the extent of use of teacher's code-switching as medium of instruction in English according to their profile and its extent of effect to student's learning in the classroom; it reveals that this is a "very high" degree of use of teachers' code-switching in the classroom in terms of side-comments with the weighted mean value of 4.47 and 4.19 weighted mean value to the extent of effect of teachers' code switching to the student learning in class preparation on interaction; most of the male teachers use a "high" extent code-switching in their class than female.
Code switching (Linguistic)--Research.
/ C11
Extent of use of teacher's code-switching as a medium of instruction in English. - 71
Identifies the extent of use of teacher's code-switching as medium of instruction in English according to their profile and its extent of effect to student's learning in the classroom; it reveals that this is a "very high" degree of use of teachers' code-switching in the classroom in terms of side-comments with the weighted mean value of 4.47 and 4.19 weighted mean value to the extent of effect of teachers' code switching to the student learning in class preparation on interaction; most of the male teachers use a "high" extent code-switching in their class than female.
Code switching (Linguistic)--Research.
/ C11