Reading readiness of grade 1 pupils under the K-12 Program in relation to their academic performance.
Macalipay, Ronalyn Estrella
Reading readiness of grade 1 pupils under the K-12 Program in relation to their academic performance. - 118
Reveals that majority of pupils are male, at the right age for the grade level, normal in terms of nutritional status and have undergone preschool training and demonstrated proficiency in their school readiness skills base on the school readiness assessment, however, they are still on the developing level; concludes that the higher the school readiness of the grade 1 pupils, the better their academic performance.
Reading readiness
/ M25
Reading readiness of grade 1 pupils under the K-12 Program in relation to their academic performance. - 118
Reveals that majority of pupils are male, at the right age for the grade level, normal in terms of nutritional status and have undergone preschool training and demonstrated proficiency in their school readiness skills base on the school readiness assessment, however, they are still on the developing level; concludes that the higher the school readiness of the grade 1 pupils, the better their academic performance.
Reading readiness
/ M25