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The 7 fundamental movement patterns your program needs : which of these fundamental movement patterns is your training missing? /

Bugera, Eric, CSCS, CISSN

The 7 fundamental movement patterns your program needs : which of these fundamental movement patterns is your training missing? / Eric Bugera, CSCS, CISSN. - Nashville, Tennessee : BarBend Inc., c2024. - webpage - Training. .

BarBend Editorial Policy
BarBend is committed to providing high-quality content — including written articles, videos, and graphics/photos — about strength sports and training, including news, analysis, tips, and opinion from both our in-house editorial team and worldwide roster of contributors. This page exists in order to provide insight into our editorial standards and practices.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns not addressed on this page, or if you feel a correction needs to be made on a particular piece, please get in touch by emailing info@barbend.com. While we can’t respond to every message we receive due to volume, we do our best to answer pertinent and appropriate reader questions directly.

We’re dedicated to the growth and promotion of strength training worldwide. BarBend covers a wide range of topics in strength, including training, nutrition, sports, news, analysis, reviews, and opinion. Information you read from our contributors, particularly Opinion/Editorials, is not necessarily the express opinion of our editorial team.

Movement therapy.

--Physical Education, Bachelor of
Movement Competency Training--PE 101