Theories of Crime Causation /
Panugaling, Glenda C.
Theories of Crime Causation / Glenda C. Panugaling and Gerry J. CaƱo - First Edition - Quezon City ; Rex Book Store , 2019. - vii, 193 pages ; ill. tables. 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and appendices
Theories of Crime Causation is a major course in Bachelor of Science in Criminology programwhich captures the theoretcal perspective of crime causation committed by individuals and institutions.It provides a wide array of theories from all dimensions and aspects of the person, the society,and theinstitutions such as political, economic, environmental, social, psychological, biological, women offenders,biopsychosocial,and life course.
It is designed to help the students comprehend,evaluate, analyze, and apply the complex theoriesof crime causation which may also be useful when they will be taking the Board Licensure Exam forCriminologists since the book is in compliant with the Outcomes-based Education (OBE) curriculumas mandated by the Commission on Higher Education.The book is a repository of outcomes-basedactivities that provides avenue for teachers and students to respond on the demand of existing curriculumand nature of the board exam for them to become significant and skilled members of the society.
This book has twelve (12) chapters. The first chapter allows the students to understand the basicconcept of social norms and ethics. It permits them to understand the foundation of human behavior.Thesecond chapter empowers them to examine how theories are created and developed by theorists.Thethird chapter talks about the biological theories of crime causation;classical theories of crime causationare discussed in chapter four;psychological theories are tackled in chapter five; sociological theories arepresented in chapter six; chapter seven outlines the economic theories of crime causation;chapter eighttakes the biopsychosocial theories;political and social conflict theories of crime causation are offeredin chapter nine; developmental theories are in chapter ten; theories in women offenders are in chaptereleven,and the last chapter points out the ecology or environmental theories of crime causation.
Thrust with arrows of compassion, academic commitment and sense of duty to empower theFilipino youth, the authors were courageously ventured on writing the book as a modest contribution inshaping a great nation.
Criminologists--United States.
Criminal justice, Administration of--United States
Crime--Sociological aspects.
(CLJ-Crim) HV 6023 / 2019 P198
Theories of Crime Causation / Glenda C. Panugaling and Gerry J. CaƱo - First Edition - Quezon City ; Rex Book Store , 2019. - vii, 193 pages ; ill. tables. 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and appendices
Theories of Crime Causation is a major course in Bachelor of Science in Criminology programwhich captures the theoretcal perspective of crime causation committed by individuals and institutions.It provides a wide array of theories from all dimensions and aspects of the person, the society,and theinstitutions such as political, economic, environmental, social, psychological, biological, women offenders,biopsychosocial,and life course.
It is designed to help the students comprehend,evaluate, analyze, and apply the complex theoriesof crime causation which may also be useful when they will be taking the Board Licensure Exam forCriminologists since the book is in compliant with the Outcomes-based Education (OBE) curriculumas mandated by the Commission on Higher Education.The book is a repository of outcomes-basedactivities that provides avenue for teachers and students to respond on the demand of existing curriculumand nature of the board exam for them to become significant and skilled members of the society.
This book has twelve (12) chapters. The first chapter allows the students to understand the basicconcept of social norms and ethics. It permits them to understand the foundation of human behavior.Thesecond chapter empowers them to examine how theories are created and developed by theorists.Thethird chapter talks about the biological theories of crime causation;classical theories of crime causationare discussed in chapter four;psychological theories are tackled in chapter five; sociological theories arepresented in chapter six; chapter seven outlines the economic theories of crime causation;chapter eighttakes the biopsychosocial theories;political and social conflict theories of crime causation are offeredin chapter nine; developmental theories are in chapter ten; theories in women offenders are in chaptereleven,and the last chapter points out the ecology or environmental theories of crime causation.
Thrust with arrows of compassion, academic commitment and sense of duty to empower theFilipino youth, the authors were courageously ventured on writing the book as a modest contribution inshaping a great nation.
Criminologists--United States.
Criminal justice, Administration of--United States
Crime--Sociological aspects.
(CLJ-Crim) HV 6023 / 2019 P198