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Nutrition for sport and exercise :

Dunford, Marie

Nutrition for sport and exercise : Marie Dunford and J. Andrew Doyle. - USA : Cengage 2019 - xxi, 551 pages : ill. (col.) ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

Sports nutrition is a natural marriage of two fields:nutrition and exercise physiology.These complemen-tary academic disciplines enable us to understand theenergy expenditure that is required by exercise andsport and the energy intake that is vital to supportthese activities.Exercise challenges the human bodyto respond and adapt, and proper nutrition supportsthe physiological processes that make it possible to doso.Although all people can benefit from proper nutri-tion and exercise,athletes must pay careful attentionto both.Training and nutrition are key elements of ex-cellent athletic performance.
Nutriion for Sport and Exercise is designed primarilyas a college-level text for upper-division courses in sportsnutrition.It carefully illustrates the links among exer-cise,nutrition, and, the ultimate goals,which are recov-ery,optimal performance,and good health. In additionto explaining the rationale behind the recommendationsmade to athletes,the text helps instructors and studentstranslate these recommendations to specific plans for theappropriate amount and type of foods, beverages, and/or supplements to support training, recovery, and per-formance.First and foremost, this book is scientificallysound and evidence based, but it is also filled with prac-tical nutrition information and designed so faculty caneasily teach from the text.
To understand sports nutrition, students must un-derstand both nutrition and exercise physiology.Forexample,carbohydrates are found i food and areused by the body to fuel exercise.The type and amountof carbohydrates in foods are "nutrition" issues.Theinfluences of exercise intensity and duration on carbo-hydrate usage are “exercise physiology" issues.Sportsnutrition requires an understanding and integration ofthese issues because the timing of carbohydrate intakeor the amount needed to delay the onset of fatigue in-volves both nutrition and exercise physiology. The goalof this book is to integrate the principles of nutritionand exercise physiology in a well-organized,scientifi-cally sound, and practical sports nutrition text.

Physical fitness--Nutritional aspects.
Exercise--Physiological aspects.

TX361.A8 / 2019 D915