Field study I : a guide for 21st century student teachers /
Pawilen, Greg T.
Field study I : a guide for 21st century student teachers / Greg Tabios Pawilen, Ericson M. Reyes, John Amiel A. Revera & Trixie Marie J. Sison - First Edition - Quezon City : Rex Book Store, 2019. - vi, 195 pages : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and appendices.
Teaching and learning in the 21et century require new knowledge and skills for teachers to become effective curriculum and instructional leaders in schools. They need to address theneeds,intereats, learning styles,thinking prefernces, and exceptionalities of various studentsand find ways to effectively engage them in meaningful learning, Teachers also need to integratetechnology in their classes.As teachers in 21st century classrooms,they need to develop theirlevel of pedagogical content knowledge(PCK)
This texthook on Field Study I was conceptualized to immerse student teachers to actualclassroom situation and learning environment where direct observation of teaching and learningfoeuses on the application of educational theories. It will guide student teachers in developingtheir level of pedagogical content knowledge, classroom management,and skills in assessmentto effectively implement the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.The lessons and activitieswere designed to meet the demands and requirements of the new teacher education curriculumfollowing the outcomes-based education paradigm preseribed by the Commission on HigherEducation (CHED Memorandum Orders Nos, 74-80 & 82,series of 2017).The textbook wasalno aligned to the new Professional Teacher Standards in the Philippines.
As an instructional material,this textbook allows the student teachers to:
reflect on the different educational theories and principles;
observe classes and best teaching practices;
interact with students;
evaluate instructional materials and assessment tools;and
analyze curriculum documents and lessons.
This textbook is a gift to Filipino student teachers!
Teaching--Vocational guidance.
Education--Study and teaching.
Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in.--Management Science.--AE3.
(CoE) LB 1707 / 2019 P339
Field study I : a guide for 21st century student teachers / Greg Tabios Pawilen, Ericson M. Reyes, John Amiel A. Revera & Trixie Marie J. Sison - First Edition - Quezon City : Rex Book Store, 2019. - vi, 195 pages : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and appendices.
Teaching and learning in the 21et century require new knowledge and skills for teachers to become effective curriculum and instructional leaders in schools. They need to address theneeds,intereats, learning styles,thinking prefernces, and exceptionalities of various studentsand find ways to effectively engage them in meaningful learning, Teachers also need to integratetechnology in their classes.As teachers in 21st century classrooms,they need to develop theirlevel of pedagogical content knowledge(PCK)
This texthook on Field Study I was conceptualized to immerse student teachers to actualclassroom situation and learning environment where direct observation of teaching and learningfoeuses on the application of educational theories. It will guide student teachers in developingtheir level of pedagogical content knowledge, classroom management,and skills in assessmentto effectively implement the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.The lessons and activitieswere designed to meet the demands and requirements of the new teacher education curriculumfollowing the outcomes-based education paradigm preseribed by the Commission on HigherEducation (CHED Memorandum Orders Nos, 74-80 & 82,series of 2017).The textbook wasalno aligned to the new Professional Teacher Standards in the Philippines.
As an instructional material,this textbook allows the student teachers to:
reflect on the different educational theories and principles;
observe classes and best teaching practices;
interact with students;
evaluate instructional materials and assessment tools;and
analyze curriculum documents and lessons.
This textbook is a gift to Filipino student teachers!
Teaching--Vocational guidance.
Education--Study and teaching.
Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in.--Management Science.--AE3.
(CoE) LB 1707 / 2019 P339