A teacher's guide to elementary algebra.
Jacobs, Harold R.
A teacher's guide to elementary algebra. - 258
A complete teaching package that give everything to organize a course efficiently and evaluate students progress accurately; teaches about 1)fundamental Operations 2) functions and graphs 3) Integers 4) Rational Numbers 5) Equation in one variable 6) Equations in Two variables 7) Simultaneous Equations 8) Exponents 9) Polynomial 10) Factoring 11) fraction 12) Squareroots 13) Quadratic Equations 14) Real Numbers 15) Inequalities and 16) Number Sequences.
Algebra--Study and teaching (Elementary).
510.712 / J15
A teacher's guide to elementary algebra. - 258
A complete teaching package that give everything to organize a course efficiently and evaluate students progress accurately; teaches about 1)fundamental Operations 2) functions and graphs 3) Integers 4) Rational Numbers 5) Equation in one variable 6) Equations in Two variables 7) Simultaneous Equations 8) Exponents 9) Polynomial 10) Factoring 11) fraction 12) Squareroots 13) Quadratic Equations 14) Real Numbers 15) Inequalities and 16) Number Sequences.
Algebra--Study and teaching (Elementary).
510.712 / J15