Grade 7 Students Career choices in the Senior High School Career tracks.
Superal, Victoria
Grade 7 Students Career choices in the Senior High School Career tracks. - 70
Determines the grade 7 students' career choices in the Senior High School Career tracks of which results as the basis in the formulation of a career guidance in the implementation of the K-12 Senior High School Curriculum in the Division of Dumaguete City; reveals that High School students prefer academic track for their career regardless of their socio-economic status and they are not well-oriented on the Senior high Career tracking system.
Su7 / Su7
Grade 7 Students Career choices in the Senior High School Career tracks. - 70
Determines the grade 7 students' career choices in the Senior High School Career tracks of which results as the basis in the formulation of a career guidance in the implementation of the K-12 Senior High School Curriculum in the Division of Dumaguete City; reveals that High School students prefer academic track for their career regardless of their socio-economic status and they are not well-oriented on the Senior high Career tracking system.
Su7 / Su7