Rural Banking Industry in Negros Oriental its status and contributions to community development.
Gadingan, Juliet B.
Rural Banking Industry in Negros Oriental its status and contributions to community development. - 180
Investigates rural banks' status, problems encountered and contributes to community development in the province of Negros Oriental as of end of December 2007; reveals that rural banks have capitalization of more than fifty million to five million less indicating that they are completely capitalized.
Banks and banking
Rural credit.
/ G11
Rural Banking Industry in Negros Oriental its status and contributions to community development. - 180
Investigates rural banks' status, problems encountered and contributes to community development in the province of Negros Oriental as of end of December 2007; reveals that rural banks have capitalization of more than fifty million to five million less indicating that they are completely capitalized.
Banks and banking
Rural credit.
/ G11