Growth and yield performance of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) applied with vermicast supplemented with other organic fertilizer under field condition.
Violeta, Jelyn G.
Growth and yield performance of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) applied with vermicast supplemented with other organic fertilizer under field condition. - 58
An undergraduate thesis with an aim (1) to determine the growth and yields performance of bell pepper as affected by the different organic fertilizer mixture in an open field condition; (2) to identify the organic fertilizer mixture that would give optimum yield on Bell pepper, and (3) to determine the return on investment (ROI) of Bell pepper as affected by different organic fertilizer mixture.
/ V81
Growth and yield performance of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) applied with vermicast supplemented with other organic fertilizer under field condition. - 58
An undergraduate thesis with an aim (1) to determine the growth and yields performance of bell pepper as affected by the different organic fertilizer mixture in an open field condition; (2) to identify the organic fertilizer mixture that would give optimum yield on Bell pepper, and (3) to determine the return on investment (ROI) of Bell pepper as affected by different organic fertilizer mixture.
/ V81