Give me liberty: Freeing ourselves in the twenty-first century.
Spence, Gerry
Give me liberty: Freeing ourselves in the twenty-first century. - 366
Examines America's history and demonstrate how, despite the democratic rhetoric we hear and believe, we have become enslaved; offers a revolutionary agenda fro freedom that replaces the decadent election process with the selection of our representative by lot.
United States--Politics and government
United States--Social condition.
306.0973 / Sp3
Give me liberty: Freeing ourselves in the twenty-first century. - 366
Examines America's history and demonstrate how, despite the democratic rhetoric we hear and believe, we have become enslaved; offers a revolutionary agenda fro freedom that replaces the decadent election process with the selection of our representative by lot.
United States--Politics and government
United States--Social condition.
306.0973 / Sp3