Essentials in criminalistics.
Peckly, Miller F.
Essentials in criminalistics. - 118
Attempts to offer a humble contribution in the basic study and practice of one of the misunderstood subject "Criminalistics"; focuses on the theory and concept of forensic science and the crime laboratory, the principles and theories of criminalistics, and the presentation of 100 questions that were based on the past Criminology license Examination that will serve a mock board examination examinees for the students and readers.
363.25 / P33
Essentials in criminalistics. - 118
Attempts to offer a humble contribution in the basic study and practice of one of the misunderstood subject "Criminalistics"; focuses on the theory and concept of forensic science and the crime laboratory, the principles and theories of criminalistics, and the presentation of 100 questions that were based on the past Criminology license Examination that will serve a mock board examination examinees for the students and readers.
363.25 / P33