Evaluation of knowledge on HIV/AIDS among selected Senior High School students of Foundation Preparatory Academy.
Reyes, Jerlyn
Evaluation of knowledge on HIV/AIDS among selected Senior High School students of Foundation Preparatory Academy. - 54
Determines the level of knowledge among selected Senior High School students of Foundation Preparatory Academy; study reveals that there is no significant difference between the Foundation Preparatory Academy, Senior High School students' age, sex, strand, year level and their level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
/ R33
Evaluation of knowledge on HIV/AIDS among selected Senior High School students of Foundation Preparatory Academy. - 54
Determines the level of knowledge among selected Senior High School students of Foundation Preparatory Academy; study reveals that there is no significant difference between the Foundation Preparatory Academy, Senior High School students' age, sex, strand, year level and their level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
/ R33