A Feasibility in the establishment of Touchdown Cafe and Sports Bar to be located at Rizal Avenue, Poblacion, Dumaguete City.
Estrologo, Philmae
A Feasibility in the establishment of Touchdown Cafe and Sports Bar to be located at Rizal Avenue, Poblacion, Dumaguete City. - 190
Determines the feasibility of establishing a Touchdown Cade and Sports Bar to be located in Rizal Avenue, Poblacion Dumaguete City; study gives reliable information information that based on the assumptions, putting up Touchdown Cafe and Sports Bar in the said location is feasible.
Cafeterias--Dumaguete City
/ Es8
A Feasibility in the establishment of Touchdown Cafe and Sports Bar to be located at Rizal Avenue, Poblacion, Dumaguete City. - 190
Determines the feasibility of establishing a Touchdown Cade and Sports Bar to be located in Rizal Avenue, Poblacion Dumaguete City; study gives reliable information information that based on the assumptions, putting up Touchdown Cafe and Sports Bar in the said location is feasible.
Cafeterias--Dumaguete City
/ Es8