Special crime investigation 1 with legal medicine.
Special crime investigation 1 with legal medicine.
- 156
This textbook provided necessary topics about specialized crime investigation 1 with legal medicine which are congruent to the letters of the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 05, Series of 2018 known as the Policies, Standards and guidelines for the bachelor of science in criminology program.
Specialized Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine--CDI 311
363.252 / Sp3
This textbook provided necessary topics about specialized crime investigation 1 with legal medicine which are congruent to the letters of the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 05, Series of 2018 known as the Policies, Standards and guidelines for the bachelor of science in criminology program.
Specialized Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine--CDI 311
363.252 / Sp3