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From Loren to Marimar : the Philippine media in the 1990s /

From Loren to Marimar : the Philippine media in the 1990s / edited by Sheila S. Coronel - ix, 193 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

FROM LOREN TO MARIMAR: The Philippine Media in the 1990s. This collection must reading for anyone interested in how one of the most influential sectors in Philippine society operates: the media. The 35 articles in this anthology examine the structure of Philippine newspapers and television, describe Filipino forays into the WorldWide Web, and probe such problems as ethics and ownership. They also trace how, in just a decade, the media have become a powerful as they are now. One of the things this collection explains is why media personalities have found their way into politics and why politicians are lining up to be news anchors or talk shows hosts.

This anthology paints a portrait of the Philippine media in the 1990S: rowdy, free and noisy but also vulnerable to pressure and harassment. These articles, first published by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism in newspapers and in magazine, provide a fresh perspective on the problems and issues that confront the Philippine media at the turn of the millenium. Trenchant and well-researched, they focus an unflinching eye on the strengths and weakness of the media.

This book is meant for students, media users, researchers, officials and ordinary citizens, who wish to understand the often anarchic way in which one of the most powerful institutions in the society works. These articles were written by journalists who have harnessed their investigative skills to examine their own trade. They did not always like what they found." --on Cover

971868624x paperback 9789718686249 paperback

Freedom of the Philippines--Philippines
Mass media--Philippines.
Freedom of the press--Philippines.

302.23 / C81