Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners : The Essential Toolbox Research /
Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners : The Essential Toolbox Research /
edited by Anna Spenceley
- Paperback edition 2022.
- Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2022
- xx, 526 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
- Research Handbooks in Tourism series .
Tables. "This timely series brings together critical and thought-provoking contributions on key topics and issues in tourism and hospitality research from a range of management and social science perspectives. Comprising specially-commissioned chapters from leading authors, these comprehensive Research Handbooks feature cutting-edge contributions written with a global readership in mind. Equally useful as reference tools or high-level introductions to specific topics, issues, methods and debates, these Research Handbooks will be an essential resource for academic researchers, practitioners, undergraduate and postgraduate students." --Robin Nunkoo
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword xxi
1 Introduction to the Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners:
The Essential Toolbox 1
Anna Spenceley
2 Tourism Theory of Change: a tool for planners and developers 12
Louise Twining-Ward, Hannah R. Messerli, Jose Miguel Villascusa and Amit
3 Guidelines for tourism policy formulation in developing countries 32
Mike Fabricius
4 Tourism master planning: the key to sustainable long-term growth 52
Roger Goodacre
5 Commercialization strategies for tourism within parks and protected areas 70
Paul F. J. Eagles
6 Feasibility studies, business plans and predicting returns for new
lodging facilities 96
P. J. Massyn
7 Funding proposals for new tourism ventures 110
Michael Wright
8 Planning for optimal local involvement in tourism and partnership development 131
Amran Hamzah
9 Touching the earth, touching people: approaches to sustainability design 154
Nicholas Coetzer
10 UN Indicators Programme: informing sustainable development for
tourism destinations 172
Edward W. (Ted) Manning
11 Sustainable supply chains in travel and tourism: towards a circular approach 190
Jos van der Sterren
12 Using mainstream development economics to improve sustainability:
a value chain approach 204
Jonathan Mitchell
13 Establishing sustainability standards in tourism 233
Randy Durband
14 Designing and delivering wildlife viewing protocols that enhance sustainability 249
Jeff R. Muntifering and Wayne L. Linklater
15 Consultation approaches in sustainable tourism 273
Carolin Lusby
16 A research strategy to understand what biophysical and social
conditions are appropriate and acceptable in tourism destinations 287
Stephen F. McCool
17 Visitor use management framework 303
William T. Borrie and Elena A. Bigart
18 Developing targets for visitation in parks 323
Paul F. J. Eagles, Andjelko Novosel, Ognjen Škunca and Vesna Vukadin
19 Optimization of tourism development in destinations: an approach used
to alleviate the impacts of overtourism in the Mediterranean region 347
Ante Mandić
20 Visitor counting and surveys 366
Joel Erkkonen and Liisa Kajala
21 Economic effects assessment approaches: US National Parks approach 382
Cathy Cullinane Thomas and Lynne Koontz
22 Economic effects assessment approaches: Tourism Economic Model for
Protected Areas (TEMPA) for developing countries 395
Thiago do Val Simardi Beraldo Souza, Alex Chidakel, Brian Child, Wen-Huei
Chang and Virginia Gorsevski
23 Biodiversity and stressors rapid assessment 412
Shane Feyers, Gretchen Stokes and Vanessa Hull
24 Social and cultural impact assessment of tourism 435
Jacqueline N. Kariithi
25 Tourism certification audits: reviewing sustainable certification programs 449
Monica Mic
26 Case study research for sustainable tourism: towards inclusive
community-based tourism 477
Regis Musavengane and Darlington Muzeza
27 Establishing and managing research programmes in tourism
destinations: the case of South African National Parks 499
Liandi Slabbert
"Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this practical Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline best practice in undertaking environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that establish the feasibility of new tourism ventures and ascertains their impact over time.
This insightful Handbook brings together the practical guidance of over 50 international practitioners in sustainable tourism. Applying strong research design principles it provides a workable and rational toolkit for investigating practical challenges while accounting for modest timeframes and resources.
Expert contributors illustrate how to undertake environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that establish the feasibility of new tourism ventures and ascertain their impact over time. Chapters cover fundamentals including how to conduct feasibility studies and business plans, and address key topics such as visitor management and overcrowding. Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline the best practices for an array of tasks to inform sustainable tourism planning, development and operation.
Incorporating concrete solutions employed in numerous contexts, this Handbook is crucial reading for practitioners of sustainable tourism and agencies commissioning sustainable tourism assignments who are in need of innovative methods and up-to-date guidance in the field. It will also benefit tourism scholars, particularly those investigating practical methodologies for creating sustainable tourism experiences." --Provided by the Publisher
978-1-035308156 [paperback]. Mindmovers : ₱5,634.00
Tourism--Research --Handbook.
338.4791 / H19 2022
Tables. "This timely series brings together critical and thought-provoking contributions on key topics and issues in tourism and hospitality research from a range of management and social science perspectives. Comprising specially-commissioned chapters from leading authors, these comprehensive Research Handbooks feature cutting-edge contributions written with a global readership in mind. Equally useful as reference tools or high-level introductions to specific topics, issues, methods and debates, these Research Handbooks will be an essential resource for academic researchers, practitioners, undergraduate and postgraduate students." --Robin Nunkoo
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword xxi
1 Introduction to the Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners:
The Essential Toolbox 1
Anna Spenceley
2 Tourism Theory of Change: a tool for planners and developers 12
Louise Twining-Ward, Hannah R. Messerli, Jose Miguel Villascusa and Amit
3 Guidelines for tourism policy formulation in developing countries 32
Mike Fabricius
4 Tourism master planning: the key to sustainable long-term growth 52
Roger Goodacre
5 Commercialization strategies for tourism within parks and protected areas 70
Paul F. J. Eagles
6 Feasibility studies, business plans and predicting returns for new
lodging facilities 96
P. J. Massyn
7 Funding proposals for new tourism ventures 110
Michael Wright
8 Planning for optimal local involvement in tourism and partnership development 131
Amran Hamzah
9 Touching the earth, touching people: approaches to sustainability design 154
Nicholas Coetzer
10 UN Indicators Programme: informing sustainable development for
tourism destinations 172
Edward W. (Ted) Manning
11 Sustainable supply chains in travel and tourism: towards a circular approach 190
Jos van der Sterren
12 Using mainstream development economics to improve sustainability:
a value chain approach 204
Jonathan Mitchell
13 Establishing sustainability standards in tourism 233
Randy Durband
14 Designing and delivering wildlife viewing protocols that enhance sustainability 249
Jeff R. Muntifering and Wayne L. Linklater
15 Consultation approaches in sustainable tourism 273
Carolin Lusby
16 A research strategy to understand what biophysical and social
conditions are appropriate and acceptable in tourism destinations 287
Stephen F. McCool
17 Visitor use management framework 303
William T. Borrie and Elena A. Bigart
18 Developing targets for visitation in parks 323
Paul F. J. Eagles, Andjelko Novosel, Ognjen Škunca and Vesna Vukadin
19 Optimization of tourism development in destinations: an approach used
to alleviate the impacts of overtourism in the Mediterranean region 347
Ante Mandić
20 Visitor counting and surveys 366
Joel Erkkonen and Liisa Kajala
21 Economic effects assessment approaches: US National Parks approach 382
Cathy Cullinane Thomas and Lynne Koontz
22 Economic effects assessment approaches: Tourism Economic Model for
Protected Areas (TEMPA) for developing countries 395
Thiago do Val Simardi Beraldo Souza, Alex Chidakel, Brian Child, Wen-Huei
Chang and Virginia Gorsevski
23 Biodiversity and stressors rapid assessment 412
Shane Feyers, Gretchen Stokes and Vanessa Hull
24 Social and cultural impact assessment of tourism 435
Jacqueline N. Kariithi
25 Tourism certification audits: reviewing sustainable certification programs 449
Monica Mic
26 Case study research for sustainable tourism: towards inclusive
community-based tourism 477
Regis Musavengane and Darlington Muzeza
27 Establishing and managing research programmes in tourism
destinations: the case of South African National Parks 499
Liandi Slabbert
"Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this practical Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline best practice in undertaking environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that establish the feasibility of new tourism ventures and ascertains their impact over time.
This insightful Handbook brings together the practical guidance of over 50 international practitioners in sustainable tourism. Applying strong research design principles it provides a workable and rational toolkit for investigating practical challenges while accounting for modest timeframes and resources.
Expert contributors illustrate how to undertake environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that establish the feasibility of new tourism ventures and ascertain their impact over time. Chapters cover fundamentals including how to conduct feasibility studies and business plans, and address key topics such as visitor management and overcrowding. Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline the best practices for an array of tasks to inform sustainable tourism planning, development and operation.
Incorporating concrete solutions employed in numerous contexts, this Handbook is crucial reading for practitioners of sustainable tourism and agencies commissioning sustainable tourism assignments who are in need of innovative methods and up-to-date guidance in the field. It will also benefit tourism scholars, particularly those investigating practical methodologies for creating sustainable tourism experiences." --Provided by the Publisher
978-1-035308156 [paperback]. Mindmovers : ₱5,634.00
Tourism--Research --Handbook.
338.4791 / H19 2022