Analytics, data science, & artificial intelligence : systems for decision support /
Ramesh Sharda;
Analytics, data science, & artificial intelligence : systems for decision support / Ramesh Sharda; Dursun Delen; Efraim Turban. - 11th Edition. - England, London : Pearson, [2021] © 2021 - 831 pages : print 30 cm.
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references.
"The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to these technologies that are generally called analytics but have been known by other names. The core technology consists of DSS, BI, and various decision-making techniques. We use these terms interchangeably"
Management--Data processing
Decision support systems
Expert systems (Computer science)
Business intelligence
Management information systems
Decision making
Management information systems--Data processing
658.403 / Sh231 2021
Analytics, data science, & artificial intelligence : systems for decision support / Ramesh Sharda; Dursun Delen; Efraim Turban. - 11th Edition. - England, London : Pearson, [2021] © 2021 - 831 pages : print 30 cm.
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references.
"The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to these technologies that are generally called analytics but have been known by other names. The core technology consists of DSS, BI, and various decision-making techniques. We use these terms interchangeably"
Management--Data processing
Decision support systems
Expert systems (Computer science)
Business intelligence
Management information systems
Decision making
Management information systems--Data processing
658.403 / Sh231 2021