Concept mapping as a tool in improving descriptive paragraph writing.
Namacpacan, Maricel Into
Concept mapping as a tool in improving descriptive paragraph writing. - 61
Finds out whether concept mapping is an effective tool i improving descriptive paragraph writing of the Grade 8 students in Actin Natioanal High School, Bayawan Cityb Division for the school year 2017-2018; results shows that the use of concept mapping as a tool in writing descriptive paragraph improves the skills of the learners because concept mapping technique employs independent thinking of learners and imparts more of conceptual understanding than the usual rote learning that most of the students engage themselves.
Paragraphs--Study and teaching
/ N15
Concept mapping as a tool in improving descriptive paragraph writing. - 61
Finds out whether concept mapping is an effective tool i improving descriptive paragraph writing of the Grade 8 students in Actin Natioanal High School, Bayawan Cityb Division for the school year 2017-2018; results shows that the use of concept mapping as a tool in writing descriptive paragraph improves the skills of the learners because concept mapping technique employs independent thinking of learners and imparts more of conceptual understanding than the usual rote learning that most of the students engage themselves.
Paragraphs--Study and teaching
/ N15